How to Get Along in the World

Pay to all their dues: tax to whom tax…respect to whom respect, honor to whom honor.  Romans 13:7

HOW TO GET ALONG IN THE WORLD: LESSON 1—Treat people right. 

Think of how much grief and trouble we could avoid if we all did this one thing. That’s what Paul is saying. If you owe it, pay it. If you should do it, then do it. If you should NOT do it, then do not do it. It’s not that complicated. So what gets in the way? Selfishness. Pride. Lust. Greed. We want what we want and we don’t care who gets hurt. So marriages crumble, friendships shatter, neighborhoods erupt, and nations go to war. That’s why we need God Himself to connect the dots for us. He knows how we are and He also knows how it could be.

“But I DO treat people right!” we cry. “It’s THEM! They aren’t treating me right. What else could I do but fire back? THEY started the social media war, the office gossip, the church split. If they’d treated me right, I’d have treated them right.”


Notice what Jesus did when people did not teat Him right. He responded by either dodging them (John 7:1), remaining silent (Matt. 27:12), or slipping quietly away (John 6:15). He never retaliated, lashed out, or defended Himself. The Lord of the temple paid a temple tax so He wouldn’t offend the Jewish leaders (Matt. 17:27). He didn’t have to do that. He didn’t need to honor the high priest or ask the opinion of a skeptic (Luke 10:26). But He modeled HOW TO GET ALONG IN THE WORLD so we could see what it looks like to treat people right—no matter what.

Final Thought:
How are you doing on Lessons 1 and 2?