Supreme Court Ruling is Only Dangerous--If she tries to kill her baby

Today is a momentous day in our nation’s history. For the first time in 50 years, federal protection for abortion has been struck down and the decision returned to the states.

But it is very strange to listen to the wailing commentators and Planned Parenthood hand-wringers. One thing I notice is that they treat the word “abortion” as a clinical term, intentionally distancing it from its reality and instead calling it “women’s health.” There is nothing healthy about a woman voluntarily ripping a developing child from her womb and allowing strangers to slaughter it. But they don’t tell you that.

Here’s a sample of what is flooding the airways:

“Women’s health is severely threatened with this ruling!”
“This is anti-woman!”
“Women will die!”
“Women should have the right to healthcare of their choice!”

But they don’t complete the thought, because if they did, their outrage would not make sense. So let’s make these factual, not emotional, statements by completing the sentence with: “…IF they try to kill their babies.”

“Women’s health is severely threatened by this ruling-if they try to kill their babies!”
“This is anti-woman- if they try to kill their babies!”
“Women will die- if they try to kill their babies!”
“Women should have the right to healthcare of their choice- and to kill their babies!”

It doesn’t sound so righteous when the sentence is completed. If there is nothing wrong with abortion, then complete the thought, Mr./Ms. Reporter. Tell us what this ruling means, but tell us everything.

• Tell us how healthy abortions are for both patients, mother and child.
• Tell us about the abortive mothers who still cry thirty years later.
• Tell us about the dismembered infants who’ve been sold for parts.
• Tell us about the damage to a woman’s reproductive system after having it savagely attacked by a licensed physician.
• Tell us about the PTSD she suffers when she realizes her child was not a blob of tissue.
• Tell us about the children who survived these safe, legal abortions and live with permanent disabilities.
• Tell us what it does to a nation’s soul when we look the other way while millions of innocents are slaughtered in the name of “women’s health.”
• Tell us why we should value anyone’s life if we don’t value infant life.
• Tell us why the U.S. government should allow ANY citizen to kill ANY child simply because he/she is inconvenient or unwanted.

This ruling is NOT a threat to a woman’s health--if she doesn’t try to kill her baby.